Get the special treatment for your guitar playing
I'm an experienced guitar player, go do check out my socials, here is a little sample of me and here is why you need this:
But I’m not just a quite decent player, I also love when guitar players learn something from me and say “AHAAA!”
That’s quite a rewarding thing for me.
So, naturally I have been doing this for a few years now, I am probably as experienced as any other guy who calls himself guitar teacher.
But I am doing something special for you that I haven’t seen ANYBODY else do:
You get up to 10h of access to me EVERY WEEK in which you could bombard me with questions, but the time will be better spent if you follow my directions and then practice under my supervision, with my immediate feedback.
A simple zoom connection is enough and you can get started.
(Provided, you have a guitar, preferably with amplification if you’re playing electric)
Very briefly about the real reason, courses/books/videos many times don’t work:
They’re never 100% tailored to where you currently are and to the challenges that you will face.
Sooner or later you will get stuck on something.
Forget about “a customized practice plan tailormade just made for you”.
What you really need is to close this gap:
From [hitting a roadblock] to [getting the right feedback to overcome this obstacle]
That’s what accelerates your progress carefully estimated by a factor 5.
Imagine practicing guitar and NOT having to wait or to guess what to do next to get your fingers to obey you.
If you could just immediately ask someone more experienced for what to do.
How powerful would your practicing become?
How unstoppable could you become?
Something else you need to know:
I’m all about the application.
That means:
I will not teach you any fance stuff just so that you sit in your room alone and noodle around better.
I only teach you stuff that works in real life playing situations, live, in front of others or when you’re recording yourself etc.
So that you can pull off stuff without needing 100 takes.
Preferable only ONE take, if you’re aiming to play live.
Do you finally want to stop guessing and start REAL guitar practice?
You do want to know the available times, right? Here they come in Eastern European Standard Time:
This is my absolute elite program, but that does not mean you need to have special abilities or want to become a pro.
In fact:
This is the game changer that us mere mortal humans need to finally keep up with the special kids 🙂
What’s next?
Let’s get to know each other!
I want to invite you to a free first and private session, just you and me.
In that session, I will first ask you some questions, but then we dive right into the guitar playing and I’ll train you right then and there, so that you get a feeling of what it will be like when we do this 2 or 3 or even more than 4 hours every week.
This is NOT “Lessons” with more and more information.
This is TRAINING. Hands-on.
Of course I will also provide you with any material and exercises you need.
And not only that!
Those exercises you can get from anyone, but they’re incomplete.
You also need to know what to focus on and how to practice the exercises.
Truth about that is… anything can be an exercise for almost anything, if you know what to pay attention to.
Because I know that the more you DO yourself, the more your experience grows and the better you get.
And to continue “doing” you need the right feedback at the right time, no?
That’s why it makes sense to spend as much time in front of me as possible, when you’re practicing guitar.
That will make 1h with me as effective as 2 or 3 or even 5 hours on your own.
To show you that I’m a real person 😉
And I promise I will not “sales-pressure” you into anything, I’m too old by now to try to convince anyone.
Book your first free session and become a better player: